Green Aventurine Offering Bowl


This listing is for the exact Green Aventurine Offering Bowl pictured.

Pagans, Wiccans, and many other faiths and traditions use offering bowls on their altars.  Offering Bowls are used to hold offerings that we wish to give to the Divine. Offering Bowls are made from many different types of materials such as wood, stone, metal, and crystals to name a few.  What you placed inside your offering bowl is totally up to what your intentions are and what you want to accomplish with whatever deity you are working with. Offerings can include, but are not limited to; liquids, herbs, salt, stones, flowers, crystals, and anything else that you might wish as an offering to your deity. Place these bowls on your altar or in your sacred space after your prayers have been made to the Divine.

Metaphysical Properties of Green Aventurine

Aventurine is often referred to as the all-purpose healer. This means not only that it is considered by many to be good for physical disorders, but that it heals on all levels. It’s a particularly effective crystal for emotional healing (and is especially helpful when worn for this purpose or placed on the heart during chakra balancing). It helps to balance the emotions and is one of the best stones to wear or carry during stressful periods. Use in crystal layouts on the solar plexus to relieve internalized stress. Aventurine purifies the mental, emotional and Etheric bodies. Bring emotional tranquility, serenity, stillness, and peace. Aventurine is good for pain within the heart, a broken heart, and all emotional issues to do with the heart. It is centering and provides well being. Aids in releasing anxiety and fear. A wonderful physical healer that releases built-up energies that are not harmonious as well as toxins. It purifies the body bringing vitality and flow.

SKU: 10739-2 Category:
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