Clear Quartz Mala Prayer Beads


Mala is a Sanskrit word meaning garland. Mala meditation beads or prayer beads are a traditional tool used to count the number of times a mantra is recited while meditating and are used by many religions throughout the world.  Mala beads are used to keep your mind focused and clear from thoughts while meditating. Traditional Malas contain 108 counting beads plus one guru or meru bead. Usually, a 108 bead mala is long enough to wear as a necklace. Malas are also known as the Buddhist Rosary.

Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz

Quartz Crystals can be used to clear and activate the energy centers of the body, attuning well to the heart chakra and working very well at the third eye. It aids greatly in purifying the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. A healer of negativity associated with one’s perspectives and judgments, it can be used to look at the inner negativity and stimulate positive thoughts. It helps one to redirect one’s materialistic energies towards the Spiritual realm. Quartz energizes the energy field in the location where it resides. It can produce a healing force field of negative ions while clearing positive ions from the air and cancels the harmful effects of radiation/radioactivity. A single quartz crystal carried on one or placed in one’s environment will help maintain balance, energy, and protection. Whether carried or placed somewhere, the ‘force’ of the crystal stays attuned to the one to whom it is connected.

SKU: 14481 Category:
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