Advanced Candle Magick

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More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose

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More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose

Seize control of your destiny with the simple but profound practice of Advanced Candle Magick. Ray Buckland’s first book on candle magick Practical Candleburning Rituals explained the basic techniques of directing positive forces and making things happen. In Advanced Candle Magick, you’ll use advanced spells, preparatory work, visualization, and astrology to improve and enhance your results. Create a framework conducive to potent spellwork through the use of planetary hours, days of the week, herb and stone correspondences, and color symbolism. Create positive changes in your relationships, finances, health and spirit when you devise your own powerful rituals based upon the sample spells presented in this book. Taking spellworking one step further, Ray Buckland gives you what you’ve been waiting for: Advanced Candle Magick.

About The Author

About The Author

Author Raymond Buckland

Raymond Buckland
Raymond Buckland was actively involved in metaphysics and the occult for fifty years.

He was the author of more than sixty books, including such best-selling titles as Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, Gypsy Dream Dictionary, Practical Candleburning Rituals, and Witchcraft from the Inside. Ray lectured and presented workshops across the United States, and appeared on major television and radio shows nationally and internationally. He also wrote screen plays, was a technical advisor for films, and appeared in films and videos.

Ray came from an English Romany (Gypsy) family and resided with his wife Tara on a small farm in central Ohio. Beyond writing, Ray's other passion was homebuilt airplanes.

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