Stan Forrest

Stan is the proprietor of Enchanted Cottage, Bakersfield's Oldest and Best Metaphysical and Spiritual Gift Shop.

Enchanted Cottage is located in Bakersfield California
2331 California Avenue
Southeast corner of California Avenue and A Street
directly across from the Bakersfield High School tennis courts

Stan has been involved in magical practices since he was 9 years old. He began reading professionally in 2010. He is a certified Crystal Healer and Reiki Master.

NINE OF CUPS The Genie of the Universe is about to grant you your wish. After all the hard work and all that you have been through to get to this point in your life, your dreams are about to be realized. It is essential to remember that even thou the answer is “Yes,” your wish is not written in stone, so to speak. Keep working hard and always think positively. Doing so will allow you to reach your destination in no time.

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SEVEN OF CUPS You might have way too much on your plate right now—time to focus your energy on downsizing your “To Do” list. Go through your to-do list with a fine tooth comb. Prioritize the items on your list. Then work through your list one project at a time. Focus on finishing one task before moving on to the next. If you do not focus your attention on one item at a time, you will have so many projects started, and nothing will ever get done. Not being focused can and will make things seem impossible to accomplish, but…

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SEVEN OF WANDS Obstacles are necessary for your success. Obstacles pretty much force us out of our comfort zone. They can take away our ability to focus on our goals. Instead of stressing over what stands in your way, change your perspective. See the issue from a different point of view. The circumstances before can be frustrating, but use this frustration to empower your success. Don’t resist it. Channel your energy by being assertive. Stand up and defend yourself if necessary. Know that in any competitive situation, YOU WILL come out on top. If you have difficulty getting what you…

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THE STAR Giving with gratitude is one of the best ways to succeed in life. But, there is another side of gratitude that many of us have a hard time receiving with gratitude. Come on, the giving part is easy, but most of us fail regarding receiving. I was reminded of this today. Sometimes, the giver needs to be the receiver. Think of it this way. How would you feel if you gave a gift to someone and they said no thanks and gave that gift back to you? Again, how would you feel? Horrible? Guilty? Think about it. It…

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THE FOOL Imagine you are on a journey to the edge of a vast canyon. You are walking along a cliff where the bottom of the canyon is unknown. You have fears of losing your footing and ultimately falling into the abyss. Not knowing where this destination will lead, you find yourself continuing along your path anyway. Despite your self-doubts, you keep moving forward, resisting all obstacles that would stop most people. This is a sign of strength. This is a sign of courage. This is a sign of success. Don’t stop moving forward; it will enable all the outside…

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ACE OF SWORDS You are bound to experience waves of energy today, but pace yourself. Like ocean waves, your energy will ebb and flow. One moment you will be high on the mountain, and the next moment your energy will be lower than in the valley. The important thing is for you to pay close attention to these energy movements. During these changes in the flow of energy, you will receive inspiration from Spirit. Be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. As you feel your energy starting to build, channel your energy in a forward direction. Doing so…

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There is no secret that many people love and worship the Goddess Moon. Knowing how to harness and increase your power during each moon phase can increase your capabilities and make your new moon spells much more incredible. No matter what your spiritual path is, most of us feel a deep connection to the Goddess Moon. Be aware and mindful of your power when working with the New Moon. For instance, you may feel compelled to do a spell for prosperity and abundance, so go with it. It doesn’t matter which phase the moon is in; however, when the Moon…

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